Maltas RainFall Pattern
August graph
The August graph in particular presents a solitary occurrence of high rainfall readings in the year 1964 which is interesting to note but which cannot be used as proof of climate change as such since it is a one-time phenomenon and corresponds with a particularly dry summer, leading the viewer to conclude that this was simply a case of storms occurring earlier than usual, an occurrence than can be put down to mere wind currents and chance.
Rainfall per Season 1923-2013
When considering the changes in precipitation readings, a pattern emerges that suggests that wetter summers generally correspond to wetter winters. This proposes that climate change, rather than leading to a shift in the wetter/dryer seasons as they occur each year, is leading to years being either richer in rainfall or drier than previous and succeeding years. Another trend that emerges when comparing later decades to those further back is that years seem to be becoming increasingly wetter, with 2004 yielding the largest reading recorded on the graph.
Septembers Graph
The September graph, however, is invaluable in that it further emphasises the point suggested by the 1923-2013 graph that years are becoming gradually wetter. In the period 1995 to 2005, Malta experienced unprecedented rainfall readings and in a record small span of time.
Prepared by Samuel Azzopardi and Alison Bezzina for the Maltese team. CCAFAF Youth Exchange, Limassol, Cyprus; August 2014