Last day of the exchange was given to all participants thw following questionnaire, so all the participants to be able to evaluate the whole organisation of the Youth Exchange.
Questionnaire – CCAFAF
We invite you to provide feedback on the whole activities and the whole Youth Exchange CCAFAF, you attended in order to assist us in maintaining and improving the quality and relevance of the material presented. We value your honest opinions.
This questionnaire will take less than 20 minutes.
The questionnaire is divided into 4 parts. The first part is for the food that we had in the camp, second part is for hospitality in the camp, 3rd part is for some learning activities which we want to be better in our organisation and 4th part is for the whole project, for all activities that we had during the Youth Exchange, Climate Changes As Fast As Fashion
General Status
Sex: Male ○ Female ○
Age: Less than 20 ○, From 20 to 30 ○, more than 30 ○.
Part A: Food and Restaurant of the Camp.
HS: Highly Satisfied, S: Satisfied, N: Neutral, U: Unsatisfied, HU: Highly Unsatisfied |
Within your recent stay in the Camp please rate your overall satisfaction with: |
HS |
S |
N |
U |
HU |
Quality of Food |
Taste Of Food |
Freshness of Food |
Temperature of Food |
Portion size |
Quality of ingredients |
Cooking of the food |
Service from the kitchen |
Part B: Accommodation, Hospitality and Facilities of the Camp.
HS: Highly Satisfied, S: Satisfied, N: Neutral, U: Unsatisfied, HU: Highly Unsatisfied |
Within your recent stay in the Camp please rate your overall satisfaction with: |
HS |
S |
N |
U |
HU |
Accommodation in the Camp |
Place that you were sleeping |
Electricity options in the Camp |
Wifi in the Camp |
Restaurant |
Working places in the Camp |
Cleanliness inside of restaurant |
Cleanliness of the Camp |
Safety in the Camp |
Any problems with your visit? …………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………. |
Part C: Learning Activities
Please state the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements, where 1 is strongly Agree and 5 is strongly Disagree (tick one per statement).
C1: Global Warming: Reality or Fake, Calculate your Carbon Footprint (Monday all day)
Q1. |
SA |
SD |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
The presenter communicated the information clearly. |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
The presenter made the subject matter compelling. |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
The presented was able to answer questions. |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
Q2. |
SA |
SD |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
The workshop was relevant to me. |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
The workshop was interesting. |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
The workshop met my purpose in attending. |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
The workshop motivated me to take action. |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
I want to tell others about what was presented. |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
The handouts/supporting material were useful. |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
I have the confidence to use the knowledge gained from the workshop in my life. |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
Q3. |
SA |
SD |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
The venue was conveniently located. |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
The duration of the workshop was right for me. |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
The workshop was well organised. |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
The working method was excellent |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
Q.4. What was the best aspect of the workshop? ...........................................................................
Q. 5 What aspect of the workshop needs improvement? ...............................................................
C2: Moja Island (Wednesday Morning) and the Web of Life (Friday Evening)
Q1. |
SA |
SD |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
The presenter communicated the information clearly. |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
The presenter made the subject matter compelling. |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
The presented was able to answer questions. |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
Q2. |
SA |
SD |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
The workshop was relevant to me. |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
The workshop was interesting. |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
The workshop met my purpose in attending. |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
The workshop motivated me to take action. |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
I want to tell others about what was presented. |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
The handouts/supporting material were useful. |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
I have the confidence to use the knowledge gained from the workshop in my life. |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
Q3. |
SA |
SD |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
The venue was conveniently located. |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
The duration of the workshop was right for me. |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
The workshop was well organised. |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
The working method was excellent |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
Q.4. What was the best aspect of the workshop? ...........................................................................
Q. 5 What aspect of the workshop needs improvement? ...............................................................
C3: Front Page and Take a Step Forward (Friday)
Q1. |
SA |
SD |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
The presenter communicated the information clearly. |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
The presenter made the subject matter compelling. |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
The presented was able to answer questions. |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
Q2. |
SA |
SD |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
The workshop was relevant to me. |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
The workshop was interesting. |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
The workshop met my purpose in attending. |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
The workshop motivated me to take action. |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
I want to tell others about what was presented. |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
The handouts/supporting material were useful. |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
I have the confidence to use the knowledge gained from the workshop in my life. |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
Q3. |
SA |
SD |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
The venue was conveniently located. |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
The duration of the workshop was right for me. |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
The workshop was well organised. |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
The working method was excellent |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
¡ |
Q.4. What was the best aspect of the workshop? ...........................................................................
Q. 5 What aspect of the workshop needs improvement? ...............................................................
Part D: Program of Youth Exchange.
Here you will say your satisfaction about all the activities that took place in Youth Exchange (learning activities, intercultural activities, place of activities, place of the Camp, whole organisation of Youth Exchange)
HS: Highly Satisfied, S: Satisfied, N: Neutral, U: Unsatisfied, HU: Highly Unsatisfied |
Within your recent stay in the Camp please rate your overall satisfaction with: |
HS |
S |
N |
U |
HU |
Activity1: Global Warming: Reality or Fake |
Activity 2: Calculate your Carbon Foot Print |
Activity 3: Organizations Group Work |
Activity 4: Photo Contest (walking to the Forest) |
Activity 5: Moja Island |
Activity 6: Excursion to Water Museum and to Limassol Centre |
Activity 7: Front Page |
Activity 8: Youth Pass |
Night Activities 1: Welcoming (Sunday) |
Night Activities 2: Cyprus Night (Monday) |
Night Activities 3: 1st International Night, Malta Austria and Romania (Tuesday) |
Night Activities 4: Cinema night (Thursday) |
Night Activities 5: 2nd International Night, Poland, Estonia and Bulgaria (Friday) |
Places (Venues) of the Activities |
Presentation and whole time management of the Activities |
Place of the Youth Exchange (Platres Camp) |
Hospitality of Hosting Organisation (Saint Anthony’s High School) |
Organisation of the Whole Youth Exchange |
Which activity did you like most of all?: .................................................................................
Which activity did you like less of all?: ..........................................................................
Which activity was mean full? (a lot of things that you thought and you like it): ...........................
Which activity was mean less? (nothing to thing and you didn’t like it): ......................................
All the participants complete the above survey and you can see the results to this webpage ccafaf.webnode.com/evaluation-/evaluation-from-participants/