Malta Temperature Pattern

The two graphs depicting the lowest and highest temperatures of each season respectively for the years 1981 to 2013 suggest that there has been very little noticeable difference in temperature over the last few decades. Likewise, the graph depicting the average temperature for each month over a decade’s span in relation with previous decades does not give much cause for alarm. While some change is evident, it is limited and doesn’t seem to point to any huge changes in the future.

While these graphs propose that the effects of climate change on Malta are limited, they shouldn’t be interpreted as compelling arguments against the veracity of the climate change hypothesis in itself. Malta’s geographical position and other factors might go some way to explaining why so little proof of climate change can be elicited from these graphs but these graphs could never call into question the obvious evidence coming from other areas of the globe.

 Prepared by Samuel Azzopardi and Alison Bezzina for the Maltese team. CCAFAF Youth Exchange, Limassol, Cyprus; August 2014