Students of Private Salesian High School from Poland with their biology teacher, coordinator Mrs Magdalena Szewczyk are involved in Youth Exchange project : CLIMATE CHANGE AS FAST AS A FASHION. Following students take part in it: Kamila Sawicka, Ewa Deryło, Katarzyna Łuczak, Karolina Matusewicz, Juliusz Migdziński, Magdalena Rawska, Mateusz Misiewicz, Michał Kozłowski.
During the work on the project students prepared 3 examples of logos to take part in competition.
Coordiantor Magdalena Szewczyk organised for them extra classes about global warming to make them more aware of the issue and teach them vocabulary connected to the topic.
On May 22 2014 all students of Private Salesian High School in Wrocław had the opportunity to attend a lecture on climate warming, its causes and consequences. Lecture was led by dr Krzysztof Migała, employee of the Institute of Meteorology and Climatology, University of Wroclaw.
Climatologist during a lecture set himself and students the important question: "Is winter jackets are no longer needed in the winter?" Students could learn how climate shaped over the centuries. he talked about the development of human civilization, deciding the welfare of residents.
The great geographical discoveries of the late fifteenth and sixteenth centuries were possible by warming of the climate and favorable winds. The lecturer also showed his presentation on the results of studies on the temperatures recorded in the past.
He approached us also increasing changes in the surface of the Sun, whose activity is still increasing. Students could also see the rate at which changes occur in the polar areas. Of particular interest among the students raised issues related to the causes and consequences of the greenhouse effect, which is present also in discussions at EU level, public debates and in the media.
At the end of school year students prepared posters about global warming and healthy lifestyle.
The participation in the project is for us a big occasion to get to know new knowledge of global warming, new approach the problem and gain new experience.