Is the climate changing as quickly as fashion? This question tried to answer a group of Salesian High School students along with their teachers during the project "Youth exchange", which was entitled "Climate changes as fast as fashion" and was held on 24-31 August. in the mountains of Platres in Cyprus.
Youth from seven European countries: Polish, Austria, Estonia, Malta, Romania, Bulgaria and Cyprus met in one place to discuss global warming and climate change in the company of teachers and expert climatologist.
Their presence there was also a good excuse for this to integrate with the representatives of other countries, make new friends, learn about the culture and customs of each country, spend time together and expand your horizons.
Matthew, one of the participants summed up: "This trip has enriched me a lot of international friends. I loved the fact that almost every night one of the countries presented part of their customs, such as dances, typical food and basic information about yourself. In this way I got to know not only the people but also their country "
Magda R. says: “ We were closer to global problems and closer to each other”
Anna C: “I am happy I was there. We integrated so much each other, could talk and spend time together”.
Magda Sz: “ I admired all the ideas of young people, their energy, passion make me happy and power to do more in my school and einvironment”
Kate: “I will never forget our games and international evening. I like all schedule and activities”
Participants braved daily tasks that awaited them. There were workshops to raise awareness of young people about the climate and the environment, preparing posters, presentations, taking a role of the journalist and design of the front pages of newspapers, matching renewable energy to specific tribes and creating food chains. During the day, students had many activities: contests, games and sports integration or a walk in the mountains, or watch a movie. Thursday August 28, a trip to the city of Limassol, visited the museum where all the water, and then it was free time used to buy souvenirs and sunbathing and swimming in the Mediterranean Sea.
The culmination of the project was the award ceremony for participants Youthpass certificates and short speech summarizing each of the associates and the last event. On Sunday, August 31, after saying goodbye to all, a group of Polish went to Limassol on the last day of sunbathing in the Cypriot sun, the Eucharist, and walk around the city. At night they left the hotel and went to the airport, from where they flew to Warsaw and from the capital arrived in Wroclaw, who greeted them with cold weather and school responsibilities.