Final Report on the behalf of BalkanKids Foundation regarding Climate Change As Fast As Fashion Programme
CCAFAF project was an adventure for a lifetime not only for the teenagers, but also for us - the leaders.
It all started in July when we took part in a contest. Participants had to form teams in order to create
three logos connected with the topic of the camp. Our next task was to prepare a poster about climate changes. We decided to focus only on Bulgaria because of the fact that in the last three months there have been a lot of disasters in our country. Students used only recycled and natural materials. We showed the towns and villages which were affected mainly by floods and the number of casualties.Our last activity before heading to Cyprus was to visit Rainbow Warrior, one of the ships that represent Greenpeace. Her cause in Bulgaria was to fight against the usage of coal for producing electricity. The ship is a sail boat and suggests alternative methods for creating energy.
Our journey started on 23.08. For most of the participants, who were the youngest in the project, it was their first flight and they were very excited. Having arrived we were met by our hosts. They provided a city walk for us. On the next day they took us to the beach.
On 24.08 we arrived in the camp in the late afternoon. When the dinner finished we did some ice- breaking activities for getting to know each other.
On the first day of the camp we discussed the question if the global warming is a reality or not. People were divided into ten groups. Five of the groups supported the idea that global warming is reality and the other five groups supported the adverse opinion. The groups could use information from the Internet to prove their theory. Working in a group, sharing ideas and giving space to the other to speak their mind was one of the main objectives of the task.
On the next day the teams from seven different countries had to share their problems, connected with the climate change, and the consequences they faced after the disasters. Unfortunately, one way or another, each country was affected by global warming. In Bulgaria the recent floods have damaged many properties and cars, and many people have lost their means of life. And the worst part seventeen people have lost their lives. Our team prepared a presentation in which each of the eight members took part. At the end they received positive feedback from the other teams and were satisfied with their performance.
In the afternoon we walked through Caledonia National Path. Our task was to take photos for a contest. The beautiful nature and the scenic waterfalls filled us with energy and enthusiasm and we were more then ready to face our next tasks.
On 27.08 twelve teams participated in a game called Moja Island. This imaginary place provides lodgings for five tribes. The groups discussed the most appropriate source of energy for the five villages of each tribe and then shared their ideas with the other teams in order to choose the best solution. This exercise gave the participants confidence that each of them could do something to contribute to the process of fighting against the global warming .
For the afternoon our hosts organized different sport activities. There were basketball, volleyball, chess and table tennis tournaments. The best teams received prizes.
On the next day we visited the Museum of Water in Limassol. The guide gave us an interesting talk and took us through the history of water supply in the city. Being an island the place faced a lot of challenges in their efforts to provide water. We also watched a short presentation on the topic. The museum organizes visits for children with lots of games and prizes.
For the rest of the day we went sightseeing and shopping, and returned in the camp relaxed and ready for the next tasks.
The theme of the next day was From Local to Global. Nine groups had to create a front page of a newspaper and to show how local problems joined together could lead to global ones. Participants showed their creativity, writing and drawing skills. They made up imaginary newspapers with their titles and current news. The task was very challenging but also very rewarding. As a result of that nine very intriguing pages were produced. This particular task gave the participants the opportunity to work in a team without blending in but in the same giving the others space for creativity and sharing their points of view.
Our students were fascinated to meet so many people from different countries. During the most anticipated international nights they could taste various national dishes and drinks. They also witnessed some traditional dances and games. It was a wonderful way to get to know different cultures.
Thanks to our helpful and friendly hosts we enjoyned seven days in a well organised camp. With its sports facilities, places for relaxation ,pleasant dining room and free WiFi the camp provides excellent conditions for international events.
The programme was exceptionally well organised. There was a good balance between intense and relaxing activities. Nobody could stay indifferent. All the participants were involved into the tasks and enjoyed doing them. The support from our hosts was appreciated by each and every one.
It was the first time when our young and unexperienced students took part in such an event.
New places were visited, new abilities and skills were found, new friendships were created. As a result of that we left the place thrilled, exhilarated and overflowed with emotions.
On 03.09 we organised a meeting for all the members of our foundation BalkanKIds. The participants told them about their experience. They explained the benefits of taking part in such camps. We showed our photos and videos, and gave away our leaflets. Our students created wonderful atmosphere and succeeded in their attempt to recount their impressions, emotions and feelings.