AGREEMENT NO : -CY-11-32-2013-R3



AUGUST 24 TO 31, 2014


Summary of the project

The project`s theme is climate change and global warming and its main objective is to enable young people and their teachers to work together and strengthen their European citizenship, promoting in the same time inclusion, environment and european awareness. The projects specific objectives are:

1) empowering the participants European identity,

2) encourageing the direct participation of young people from 7 countries,

3) understanding the differences between nations, making them more united through the meeting between different cultures

Seven Groups with eight members each with their trainers from Cyprus, Greece, Malta, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland and Austria will get involved in a research related to the topics of Climate Change and Global Warming,  and focus on the problem causes. The first contact will be made in April 2014 between the trainers / group leaders as a preparatory meeting that will take place in Cyprus. The 56 participants will have a four months time period for their research and project development. In these months they will be informed about the problems of Climate change and work in order to be able to discuss and present them as well as gain knowledge and critically suggest ways to reduce the effects of the climate change phenomenon. From this research they will also be introduced and have the possibility to discover professions in relation to the enviroment. 


The next phase of the project will take place in Cyprus in August 2014 where all participants will be hosted for 8 days (7 nights). All participants will take part in morning sessions (4 hours every day) with different activities every day but with a common purpose: to be informed about Climate Change, present their findings and discuss them with the other groups. This will be done by means of using non-formal learning methods. Some sessions will be done based on the existing groups (every country has its own group) whilst other sessions will require the involvement of multicultural groups. In this way, every country will present the Global Warming problem from its own perspective and suggest ways that can help to deal with the problem on a national level, which will at the same time unite the participants, thus helping the global confrontation. In afternoons they will have the chance to visit environmental centers, the central offices of Youth exchange and get immersed into the Cypriot culture. Every evening will be dedicated to each country in order to show to the other groups their culture through food, dance, music and other interactive activities.

The final outcome of the project (total duration 1 year – from April 2014 until March 2015) will be posters on which the participants will present the results of their research in the form of drawings e.g. comics. In this way they will share the information and their experience through a different point of view. More specifically each group will come up with 3-4 posters, which will then be placed in an exhibition (during the days of their stay in Cyprus), and posted on a website that will be created for the program. In the final stage, every group will make a brief report about their experiences, and then the Cypriot group will make a presentation based on these reports to the public.


We identified a great need for european awareness on the environmental issues, especially on climate changes and the effects of global warming in all 7 countries involved in the projects. A deeper knowledge of this subject is a high priority for all the promoters. In order to respond to the national context the project will promote the idea of volunteering and will give the participants the chance to learn about furthering their studies and careers in the field of the environment.

The project main objective is to enable young people and their teachers to work together and strengthen their European citizenship, promoting in the same time inclusion, environment and European awareness.  All of the participants will deal with the same responsibilities and when the final meeting takes place, they will have the opportunity to work in multicultural groups trying  to accomplish one common goal. This fact in combination with the time that they will have all together, both on an educational and entertainment level will unite them, make them feel like they all belong to one group and do not differ so much from each other. Thus, empowering their European identity is objective no 1 of the project, in concordance with the Youth in Action Programme objective “to promote young people’s active citizenship in general and their European citizenship in particular.

Moreover, the objective no.2 of the project is to encourage the direct participation of young people from 7 countries. The participants will be the young people and they will be involved by doing work as part of all project aspects. The role of trainers will only have the form of guidance. All the project phases (research, meetings, posters, presentations, creation of website) will be young people's task.This second objective is related to Youth in Action Programme`s objective “to promote European cooperation in the youth field''.

In the programme during the meeting in Cyprus, we also emphasized on other activities apart from direct work on the project. For instance, every evening each country will present its culture through music, food, dance etc. Meeting other cultures is the first step to understand any differences between the nations, thus making them more united. This second objective is related to Youth in Action Programme`s objective “to promote European cooperation in the youth field.

Promoting this project allows participants to understand Europe not only in terms of its politics, but also in other equally significant aspects of a community, which in this case will be the environment. Having a topic of common interest, enables them to view Europe as an area where people can have equal opportunities in terms of education, as well as employment and personal development.

The articles that will be published will collect all the work done and values that participants have gained, and will provide the opportunity to share these amongst the local communities of the partner countries involved.

Climate Change

Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, and since the 1950s, many of the observed changes are unprecedented over decades to millennia. The atmosphere and ocean have warmed, the amounts of snow and ice have diminished, sea level has risen, and the concentrations of greenhouse gases have increased.

ATMOSPHERE: Each of the last three decades has been successively warmer at the Earth’s surface than any preceding decade since 1850. In the Northern Hemisphere, 1983–2012 was likely the warmest 30-year period of the last 1400 years.

OCEAN: Ocean warming dominates the increase in energy stored in the climate system, accounting for more than 90% of the energy accumulated between 1971 and 2010. It is virtually certain that the upper ocean (0−700 m) warmed from 1971 to 2010, and it likely warmed between the 1870s and 1971.

CRYOSPHERE: Over the last two decades, the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets have been losing mass, glaciers have continued to shrink almost worldwide, and Arctic sea ice and Northern Hemisphere spring snow cover have continued to decrease in extent.

CARBON: The atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide have increased to levels unprecedented in at least the last 800,000 years. Carbon dioxide concentrations have increased by 40% since pre-industrial times, primarily from fossil fuel emissions and secondarily from net land use change emissions. The ocean has absorbed about 30% of the emitted anthropogenic carbon dioxide, causing ocean acidification.

Understanding the Climate System and its Recent Changes: Human influence on the climate system is clear. This is evident from the increasing greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere, positive radiative forcing, observed warming, and understanding of the climate system.

Human influence has been detected in warming of the atmosphere and the ocean, in changes in the global water cycle, in reductions in snow and ice, in global mean sea level rise, and in changes in some climate extremes. It is extremely likely that human influence has been the dominant cause of the observed warming since the mid-20th century.


(Adapted from IPCC, 2013)

Useful Webpages for Climate Changes

IPCC - InterGovermental Panel on Climate Changes :

World Meteorogical Organization:

National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Global Climate Change:

NOAA, National Climate Data Center:

European Commission, Climate Action :

A poster that  was made from Cypriot participants